Content Marketing is an effective tool to reach your desired audience. Done right, it becomes an engine driving other marketing activities as well as sales and customer support. It is one key to a great customer experience.

To accomplish that, it is not enough to publish just any content. It is not even enough to publish good content.

Instead, you need great content built on top of an excellent Content Strategy. You also need to measure your success and improve your efforts continually.

My services for you:

#1 Efficient Content Marketing

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I will help you to get the most out of your Content Marketing budget.

It is easy to get lost in Content Marketing. So many topics to post about. So many possible formats, platforms, channels. So many different approaches and concepts.

I am German and, yes, I am all about efficiency. I am happy to optimize your processes, saving you time and energy, and to make sure you use your resources in a smart way.

I will make your Content Marketing as efficient as possible.

#2 Content Commerce

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Content Marketing for ecommerce companies is often referred to as “Content Commerce”. I have worked for several organisations to improve their content specifically with their online shops in mind.

I have a holistic approach to Content Commerce. While Content Marketing is generally aimed at an audience in the early stages of their customer journey, I see Content Commerce playing important roles in all stages. Therefore, a Content Commerce Strategy should influence every piece of content that you publish: blog posts, landing pages, category and product descriptions, newsletters, and more.

#3 German Content

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If you are interested in Content Marketing for the German market, I am the perfect person to contact. I translate and transcreate existing content, build a German content team for you, write and proofread, and connect you to trustworthy experts and agencies in Germany.

About me

I have more than 20 years of experience as a journalist, online publisher, and content consultant. I am a native German speaker living in the United States and have experience working with German and American companies.

Get in touch

If you are interested in more information, contact me on LinkedIn or send me an email to

I am looking forward to hearing from you!

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